I feel like we need a theme song for Teaser Tuesdays, lol! But I’m definitely not a song writer, so we’ll have to do without.
Dark Hearts releases January 24th! That means TODAY marks TWO WEEKS until release. (shrill screaming)
The cover reveal for Dark Hearts is THIS Friday and it’s exclusively with HEA USA Today so be sure to check out their site for that! It’s GORGEOUS and honestly it’s my favorite cover of mine. *drools* I have paperback ARCs to giveaway too so make sure you’re following my facebook page, Instagram, and have joined my facebook group Micalea’s Minions.
Now, on to the teaser. I’ve bored you enough. 😉
iBooks: hyperurl.co/uz3usm
Kobo: hyperurl.co/iq8qsi
B&N: hyperurl.co/06vqfk
Add on Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31366491-dark-hearts
Amazon Preorder will be LIVE this Friday along with the cover!