Since I’ve been getting asked a lot about release dates recently I decided to do another post.
Undeniable (June, I hope. The delay is due to the fact that I decided to change the cover. The original cover just wasn’t working with the content. Undeniable IS finished though)
Finding Olivia (August. More info coming after Undeniable releases but I can tell you that I am more in love with this book than I have been with anything else I’ve written. :D)
Forever (October. Could it be sooner? Possibly. A little more than half is already written)
4th Outsider book (December. I hope! It could be pushed to very early 2014.)
I wish I had definite release dates but I hate saying one thing and that doesn’t happen. So, for now I’m on schedule to release these books before the end of the year. I’m crossing my fingers that nothing slows me down. I’m trying very hard to release 6 books this year. (2 down, 4 to go!) So, I hope you guys can be patient with me. 🙂