October 23, 2017


AHHHHHHH! It’s that time again, guys! Cover reveal time! This is my first venture back into paranormal romance in a long time and I hope you guys are just as excited about it as I am.

Mara Pryce never imagined that her life was anything but normal and then a strange gray-eyed young man appears at her graduation. When he vanishes without a trace, she’s convinced he’s a figment of her imagination. Then he appears again and shatters her whole world.

Mara is an enchanter, part of an ancient line of Wiccan power, and a war is raging—one of good and evil—between the Enchanted and the Iniquitous.

The Iniquitous want her dead and it’s Theodore’s job as her protector to keep her safe.

When Mara and Theodore arrive at a safe house, where Mara will remain hidden while learning about her powers, they find that the real threat might be a little closer to home than they want to believe.

Release Date: November 17th

      iBooks Exclusive Preorder: http://hyperurl.co/6bdnq0

      Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35412486-enchant

Enchant will LIVE release everywhere on release day. Only iBooks will have preorders.

I can’t wait for you guys to read this book and go on this epic three book journey! I hope you love it as much as I do. <3

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Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

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