November 5, 2016

Welcome to my new website!

LOOKIE! I have a new website! Isn’t it gorgeous?! This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and I’m so happy to have finally done it. Julie with Priceless Design Studio was AWESOME to work with and I highly recommend them if you’re an author or blogger looking to make your blog or website look better.

I hope this website will be much easier for you guys. Everything is so much clearer and better organized. If you’re looking to buy signed books, swag, or posters there’s even a store now (and it’s probably my favorite feature). On the Books page you’ll find all of my…well books, as well as a section with upcoming releases. I wanted you guys to be able to find everything you need in one place and that’s what this website is for. There’s a page with Extras (bonus scenes I’ve written for various books), the blog (where you are now), my Events page so you can keep up with what signings I’ll be at. Take a look around and let me know what you think! <3

On another note, I’m planning to blog more, so if there are any topics you want to hear about let me know. Like if you have any questions about writing, publishing, etc, leave them below. 🙂 (P.S. If your comment doesn’t appear it’s because I have to approve it, because of spam issues)

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Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

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