September 24, 2013

Don’t miss out!


Finding Olivia by Micalea Smeltzer hires

The first 100 reviews of Finding Olivia on Amazon (U.S. ONLY) get their choice of a signed bookmark or postcard! Finding Olivia currently has 62 reviews so there’s still time to write one if you haven’t already! The review can be good, bad, or inbetween. This was just my way of thanking you guys for reading/reviewing my books!

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  1. Nitika Singh said:

    I was wondering about the whole comments thing because I wrote a comment and it said that it takes 48 hours for it to show up on the website plus 65 comments have already been shown for the book. Is that necessarily true?

    1. micaleasmeltzer Post author said:

      Usually a review on amazon shows up within minutes. I don’t know why it would tell you 48 hours. That’s weird. :/

      1. Nitika Singh said:

        When do you find out if you are part of the group for the first 100 people?

  2. micaleasmeltzer Post author said:

    If you leave a review before it reaches 101 reviews, then you’re in. All you have to do is email me the link to your review, your address, and your choice of bookmark or postcard. 🙂 My email is,


Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

more about me »

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