January 3, 2017

Dark Hearts Teaser Tuesday #3

*claps hands* You guys! I managed to remember Teaser Tuesday 3 whole weeks in a row! *pats self on back* It feels so good to be back and blogging. I have some things I want to talk about this week and I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you all. <3

Some other quick things before we get to the teaser…

Cover reveal for Dark Hearts is January 13th (ahhhhh! I can’t wait!)

Release for Dark Hearts is January 24th! (this date is firm, it’s up for preorder)

Also, the preorder price is $2.99 and it’ll go up to $4.99 some time after release.

OH! And if you’re on Facebook I’m giving away a signed paperback arc of Dark Hearts so run and enter! If there are any people here that do not have facebook and would be interested in a paperback arc comment below and I’ll do a blog giveaway.


iBooks: hyperurl.co/uz3usm
Kobo: hyperurl.co/iq8qsi
B&N: hyperurl.co/06vqfk
Add on Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31366491-dark-hearts

Okay, now it’s teaser time aka what you really want. 😉

In case you haven’t picked up on it from the teasers, Dark Hearts has a very different tone from Rae of Sunshine and When Stars Collide. (I think the title kind of conveys that too) It’s dark, intense, moody, and HOT. Like HOOOOOT *fans self* I personally think it’s one of the hottest books I’ve written. If you’ve read Rae of Sunshine and When Stars Collide then you know that Jace and Nova have chemistry. I’ve TRIED to downplay it in the other books, but there’s just something about them, and you’ll definitely see it in this book.

Ooh, some other things…

I’m planning to record me reading the first chapter of this book and post it to my YouTube channel. I haven’t done that in a loooong time and you guys always seem to like it so I definitely want to do that (it’ll go up some time after the cover reveal) and if you don’t like those kinds of videos then I also plan to release the first 3 chapters on Wattpad like I did with When Stars Collide. Yep, THREE whole chapters.

If you guys have any ideas for fun things you’d like to see for this release, let me know! I always welcome your ideas. 😀


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Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

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