May 16, 2013

Want to win a signed copy of Insider?












***Giveaway is now over***
Insider4I was packing up my books for the signing on Saturday (in case you missed it, info under the Book Signings Tab up there^^^) and I found a copy of Insider that has some damage. (The back corner is bent) So, instead of tossing it (I just can’t bring myself to commit book murder) I decided to give it away! All you have to do is comment below with your email! That easy! I will be picking a winner at 8 o’clock tonight (May 16th) because I’m going to the post office tomorrow. This is U.S. Only (sorry international folks, shipping is just ridiculously expensive, I’ll try to do an international only giveaway some time soon)

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  1. Meghan Mack said:

    That’s very generous! Thanks for thinking of us readers 🙂

  2. Kristi Walden said:

    I would love to 🙂

  3. Jeannie Christo said:

    I would love to win a signed copy!!

  4. Merisha Abbott said:

    oh pick me pick me I would love to have it!! Been dying to read this book!!

  5. Cara said:

    I love this series! I wish I could go to the signing. 🙁

  6. joellefriedman said:

    Alright, I have reasons of why I should have this book. Reason number one. Do you know who I am? I’m obsessed with you. I’m he one who has in depth conversations about life with you. Second reason. Today my baby broke baby= kindle. And I had all of your books on it and literally I’m still crying because my kindle has ALL of my books in it. I was telling my mom if how I couldn’t live without this and she said don’t be so dramatic, and I said how would u feel if something you loved more then anything shattered literally? She didn’t respond.
    I love your books and everything!!!
    And I’m used to broken things by now.

  7. Jennifer L. Russel said:

    Love this series and all of your books!!! I’ve enjoyed reading them to my daughters as well : )

  8. Brianna Valentine said:

    My names brianna valentine and im 13 from MN!!! I would love one!!! It was really an amazing book!!! I was hooked after the first chapter!!! Read all three in three days!!! Slept in class so I could stay up all night and read!!! Got grounded for three weeks but it wassss sooooo woooortth ittttt!!! Please consider me!!!! It’s ok if I’m not picked, I’m just happy to be able to partake!!

  9. Cassie Blasier said:

    I just love your books
    i can’t wait for the 4th book of outsider, the 3rd book of fallen, and the 2nd book of second chances. i am waiting for the dates on them

  10. Kimberly Barban said:

    I really love this series. Would love to have it in print! Thank you for sharing!
    kbarban at live dot com

  11. patricia minor said:

    I absolutely LOVE your books and would be so honored to have a signed copy of the Insider!!!!!!! Your books inspire me!!!!!! Please seriously consider me for your giveaway.

    Thank you again,
    Patricia Minor

  12. Sydney Moore said:

    I would love to win a signed copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. patricia minor said:

      I would be so honored to win a signed copy because I am a HUGE fan and love all of her books!!!!!!! Regardless of if I win or not, I will still enjoy all of her coming books.

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Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

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