December 4, 2014

Rae of Sunshine Scene from Cade’s POV

If Rae of Sunshine got into the top 50 overall on Amazon I promised to rewrite a scene from Cade’s POV. Well, we did it! So, here’s your Cade POV scene! This is the first kiss scene and if the book gets into the top 25 overall I will also retell the mouth to mouth scene from his POV. If you haven’t read the book yet, you should skip this scene and come back and read it later. 🙂 It will also be posted on the Rae of Sunshine book page.


First Kiss—Cade’s POV


We stepped outside into the cold night air, Rae’s hand clasped in mine. Her hand felt so small whenever I held it. There was something so delicate and precious about her. She reminded me of those porcelain dolls my mom had in Thea’s room when we were growing up. They were breakable, and always so sad looking. That was Rae. Although, she wasn’t quite so sad anymore and it filled my body with satisfaction to know that was because of me.

I couldn’t help looking down at her.

God, she was so beautiful and she didn’t even know it.

The streetlights bathed her face in a golden glow as she gazed up at the snowflakes floating around us.

I wanted nothing more than to take her face in my hands and kiss her until we both forgot anything but the two of us existed—but I was scared.

Just like those porcelain dolls if I moved too fast, or pushed too hard, she might shatter.

Fuck it.


She looked up at me and smiled—the kind of smile that made her eyes sparkle with happiness.

I made her that happy.

I never thought you could care so damn much about another person’s happiness, but I always found myself trying to get her to laugh or smile—even if it was only for a brief moment.

Our breath fogged the air and for a moment I found myself spellbound. Rae was captivating, spellbinding, and a million other things rolled into one. She was everything I never knew to hope for. I only wished she could see the true beauty she held—not her physical beauty, even though she was gorgeous, but the kindness in her heart. She thought she was a monster but she was my safe haven.

I felt like a bumbling teenage boy again as I said, “I really want to kiss you right now, but I don’t want to scare you.” I hoped she didn’t notice the quiver in my voice. I wasn’t scared of much, but Rae terrified me.

She closed her eyes with a peaceful, contented smile on her lips. Slowly her eyes blinked open, and they shined with an emotion I couldn’t decipher.

“Kissing me would be more than okay. If you don’t, I might never speak to you again.” Her eyes grew serious.

“Really?” I chuckled, my lips twisting up into a smile as I stepped closer to her. “You’d give me the silent treatment?” I reached up then and took her face in my hands. Her cheeks were cool to the touch, but I could feel the warmth suddenly flooding them.

Before I could lean in and close the distance between us, she said, “Oh, shut up,” and stole our first kiss.

I was frozen at first, shocked that she’d made the first move. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she pressed up on her tiptoes, kissing me more firmly.

A low groan rumbled in my throat as our lips moved together.

I cupped the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss.

I wanted all thoughts to leave her mind.

I wanted her to only think of me.

She let out a soft moan and that spurned me on. I wanted to hear her make that sound again. And again. And again.

Her body shook in my arms and I knew that this moment was just as soul shattering for her as it was for me.

She thought I was her salvation, but she was wrong—she was mine.

She saved me when I didn’t know I needed saving.

She gave me something to care about again.

She was my Rae of Sunshine when my world had been bathed in darkness for far too long.

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  1. ReadingRenee said:

    I can’t wait


Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

more about me »

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