March 20, 2013

I can see the light at the end of a very dark, very long, tunnel.

Strange title, I know, but you’re about to understand why.

I keep getting asked for a release date for Unraveling. I had hoped it would be done by now, and I would be in the middle of editing, and could give you one.

Well, I still can’t.

Based on how long I predicted Unraveling to be, it should be done by now.

It’s still going. Jared and Katy just have a lot of story to tell, and so Unraveling is now the longest book I’ve ever written… and like I said it’s not done yet. However, I think 2 chapters and the epilogue will finish it up. (fingers crossed) It’s going to take awhile to edit, so please be patient with me. I’m working really hard to have my books better edited for ya’ll, and that takes time. I’m still hoping for a late April release (I wanted it to be sooner than that, but I don’t think it’s possible) but I want ya’ll to know, that it might end up being early May. I may not even set a release date for this book. More than likely, I’ll upload it when it’s ready, tell ya’ll that I have, and post the links when I have them. (I always end up releasing a book sooner than the release date I set anyway)

I’m just happy that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I can’t wait to share Jared and Katy’s story with you. They have touched my heart and I hope you’ll feel the same. 🙂


P.S. Kristi Walden won the Unraveling teaser giveaway yesterday. Please email your address info to and I’ll get your bookmark right out to you!


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  1. Leah said:

    I SOOO cant wait !!! I’m so excited !!! 😉

  2. leahxw said:

    I SOOOO cant wait !!!!!!!!!!! 😉

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Micalea SmeltzerHi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point.

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